Anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the cranium and forms the margin of the foramen magnum and occipital condyles. [ TAO:0001414 UBERONREF:0000007 ]

Synonyms: occipital region of head basicranial region occipital part of head

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • ZFA:0001414
  • AAO:0010199
  • SCTID:362618001
  • TAO:0001414
  • XAO:0003173
  • FMA:49187
  • neuronames:2431
  • BTO:0004675
UBPROP 0000001

An anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the neurocranium and forms the margin of the foramen margin and occipital condyles.[AAO]

Anatomical cluster that is located in the posterior region of the cranium and forms the margin of the foramen magnum and occiptal condyle.[TAO]

editor note

TODO - check

has related synonym

back of head



Term relations