Passages within the liver for the conveyance of bile. Includes right and left hepatic ducts even though these may join outside the liver to form the common hepatic duct. [ MESH:A03.159.183.158 ]

Synonyms: bile duct intrahepatic part

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • GAID:287
  • UMLS:C0005401 (ncithesaurus:Intrahepatic_Bile_Duct)
  • MESH:D001653
  • ZFA:0005169
  • FMA:15766
  • TAO:0005169
  • MA:0001630
  • SCTID:362193005
  • NCIT:C12677

pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

UBPROP 0000001

Duct that collects bile from the bile ductules and connects to the extrahepatic bile duct.[TAO]

editor note

includes the hepatic duct of the caudate lobe, and the intra- and inter- lobar bile ducts

has related synonym

intrahepatic biliary system

