A subdivision of the skeleton that corresponds to the lower part of the mouth. The lower jaw skeleton includes the following elements, when present: lower jaw teeth, the mandible and other lower jaw bones, and Meckel's cartilage. [ http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 ]

Synonyms: lower jaw skeleton

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference


UBPROP 0000001

The ventral portion of the first pharyngeal arch, comprising the lower jaw.[TAO]

UBPROP 0000003

The jaw joint of all jawed vertebrates, except for mammals, involves the quadrate and articular bones, or the posterior ends of the palatoquadrate and mandibular cartilages; A correlate of the conversion of the articular and quadrate bones to the malleus and incus is that all adult mammals have a jaw joint that lies between the dentary of the lower jaw and the squamosal bone of the skull roof.[well established][VHOG]

UBPROP 0000012

Inclusion of the FMA class 'lower jaw' is debatable - this mostly corresponds to the lower jaw skeleton (with 'maxillary part of mouth' corresponding to the upper jaw region); however, the FMA class also includes gingiva. See also: https://github.com/obophenotype/mouse-anatomy-ontology/issues/102

has broad synonym

lower jaw


has related synonym


mandibular series

