A spinal cord segment that adjacent_to a cervical region. [ OBOL:automatic ]

Synonyms: pars cervicalis medullae spinalis cervical spinal cord cervical segment of spinal cord cervical segments of spinal cord [1-8] segmenta cervicalia medullae spinalis [1-8

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • FMA:71166
  • UMLS:C0581619 (ncithesaurus:Cervical_Spinal_Cord)
  • BIRNLEX:1499
  • UMLS:C0581619 (BIRNLEX:1499)
  • MA:0003081
  • UMLS:C1278837 (BIRNLEX:1499)
  • neuronames:1654
  • NCIT:C12892
  • SCTID:180960003
