The ridge-shaped grey matter of the spinal cord that extends longitudunally through the center of each half of the spinal cord, and are largely or entirely composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive tissue. [ MP:0008503 ]

Synonyms: grey substance of spinal cord gray substance of spinal cord spinal cord grey substance gray matter of spinal cord substantia grisea medullae spinalis spinal cord grey matter grey matter of spinal cord spinal cord gray matter

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • EMAPA:35792
  • DHBA:146035048
  • NLXANAT:100204
  • FMA:256580
  • NCIT:C32696
  • UMLS:C0475853 (ncithesaurus:Gray_Matter_of_the_Spinal_Cord)
  • SCTID:279441003
  • BAMS:Scgrey
  • neuronames:2619
  • MA:0000002


