The duct that drains bile from the left half of the liver and joins the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [ ]

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • VHOG:0000218
  • MA:0001638
  • EMAPA:32795
  • NCIT:C32960
  • SCTID:245400009
  • EHDAA:3990
  • UMLS:C0227560 (ncithesaurus:Left_Hepatic_Duct)
  • EHDAA2:0000941
  • FMA:14670
UBPROP 0000001

The duct which drains bile from the left half of the liver and unites with the right hepatic duct to form the common hepatic duct. [adapted_from_][VHOG]

has related synonym

ductus hepaticus sinister

