Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of hemopoiesis. [ GOC:pad GOC:PARL GOC:TermGenie ]

Synonyms: down regulation of haemopoiesis down regulation of blood cell biosynthesis downregulation of blood cell biosynthesis down-regulation of blood cell biosynthesis down regulation of hemopoiesis negative regulation of haemopoiesis negative regulation of blood cell formation down-regulation of hematopoiesis down regulation of blood cell formation down-regulation of blood cell formation down-regulation of haemopoiesis downregulation of haemopoiesis downregulation of blood cell formation negative regulation of blood cell biosynthesis downregulation of hemopoiesis negative regulation of hematopoiesis downregulation of hematopoiesis down-regulation of hemopoiesis down regulation of hematopoiesis

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information


An example of this is Atg7 in mouse (UniProt symbol, Q9D906) in PMID:20080761, inferred from mutant phenotype.

creation date




has narrow synonym

inhibition of hematopoiesis

inhibition of haemopoiesis

inhibition of hemopoiesis

inhibition of blood cell biosynthesis

inhibition of blood cell formation

