All properties in UPHENO_PATTERN

Label Id Description
causally downstream of RO_0002404 [inverse of upstream of]
causally downstream of or within RO_0002427 [inverse of causally upstream of or within]
causally influenced by RO_0002559
causally influences RO_0002566 [The entity or characteristic A is causally upstream of the entity or characteristic B, A having an effect on B. An entity corresponds to any biological type of entity as long as a mass is measurable. A characteristic corresponds to a particular specificity of an entity (e.g., phenotype, shape, size).]
causally related to RO_0002410 [This relation groups causal relations between material entities and causal relations between processes]
causally upstream of RO_0002411 [p is causally upstream of q if and only if p precedes q and p and q are linked in a causal chain]
causally upstream of or within RO_0002418 [p 'causally upstream or within' q iff (1) the end of p is before the end of q and (2) the execution of p exerts some causal influence over the outputs of q; i.e. if p was abolished or the outputs of p were to be modified, this would necessarily affect q.]
causally upstream of or within, negative effect RO_0004046
causally upstream of or within, positive effect RO_0004047
causally upstream of, negative effect RO_0002305
causally upstream of, positive effect RO_0002304
channel for channel_for
channels_from channels_from
channels_into channels_into
characteristic of RO_0000052 [a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the dependent) and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the dependent specifically depends on the bearer for its existence, a relation between a specifically dependent continuant (the characteristic) and any other entity (the bearer), in which the characteristic depends on the bearer for its existence.]
characteristic of part of RO_0002314 [q characteristic of part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w., q inheres in part of w if and only if there exists some p such that q inheres in p and p part of w.]
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