All terms in UPHENO

Label Id Description
cell cycle phase transition GO_0044770 [The cell cycle process by which a cell commits to entering the next cell cycle phase.]
abnormal epithelium of vagina morphology UPHENO_0087929 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the epithelium of vagina, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour.]
abnormal vagina morphology UPHENO_0076734 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the vagina, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour.]
abnormal fallopian tube morphology UPHENO_0076717 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the fallopian tube, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour.]
regulation of immune response GO_0050776 [Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the immune response, the immunological reaction of an organism to an immunogenic stimulus.]
perturbation by virus of host immune response GO_0075528 [A process in which a virus effects a change in the host immune response.]
modulation by virus of host gene expression GO_0039656 [The process in which a virus effects a change in gene expression in its host organism. Gene expression is the process in which a gene's coding sequence is converted into a mature gene product or products (proteins or RNA). This includes the production of an RNA transcript as well as any processing to produce a mature RNA product or an mRNA (for protein-coding genes) and the translation of that mRNA into protein. Some protein processing events may be included when they are required to form an active form of a product from an inactive precursor form.]
regulation of cytokine production GO_0001817 [Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of production of a cytokine.]
cortical granule exocytosis delayed, abnormal ZP_0019034 [Abnormal(ly) delayed (of) cortical granule exocytosis.]
cortical granule exocytosis process quality, abnormal ZP_0130827 [Abnormal(ly) process quality (of) cortical granule exocytosis.]
delayed cortical granule exocytosis UPHENO_0000706 [Delayed cortical granule exocytosis.]
egg activation process quality, abnormal ZP_0019035 [Abnormal(ly) process quality (of) egg activation.]
abnormal egg activation UPHENO_0050466 [Abnormal egg activation.]
reproductive process process quality, abnormal ZP_0013754 [Abnormal(ly) process quality (of) reproductive process.]
microtubule fertilized egg irregular spatial pattern, abnormal ZP_0019036 [Abnormal(ly) irregular spatial pattern (of) fertilized egg of microtubule.]
microtubule cell morphology, abnormal ZP_0142123 [Abnormal(ly) morphology (of) cell of microtubule.]
fertilized egg quality, abnormal ZP_0108575 [Abnormal(ly) quality (of) fertilized egg.]
mesoderm formation process quality, abnormal ZP_0019037 [Abnormal(ly) process quality (of) mesoderm formation.]
abnormal mesoderm formation UPHENO_0051503 [Abnormal mesoderm formation.]
formation of primary germ layer process quality, abnormal ZP_0016425 [Abnormal(ly) process quality (of) formation of primary germ layer.]