All properties in MONDO_RARE
Label | Id | Description |
IAO_0000233 | IAO_0000233 | |
IAO_0000589 | IAO_0000589 | |
IAO_0006012 | IAO_0006012 | |
RO_0002175 | RO_0002175 | |
TopObjectProperty | TopObjectProperty | |
broadMatch | broadMatch | |
closeMatch | closeMatch | |
comment | comment | |
consider | consider | |
creation_date | creation_date | |
creator | creator | |
curated content resource | curated_content_resource | [A curated content resource is a web-resource that contains curated content about the ontology term.] |
database_cross_reference | hasDbXref | |
date | date | |
definition | IAO_0000115 | |
exactMatch | exactMatch | |
excluded subClassOf | excluded_subClassOf | |
has material basis in germline mutation in | RO_0004003 | |
has_alternative_id | hasAlternativeId | |
has_broad_synonym | hasBroadSynonym |