All properties in VBO_DEV

Label Id Description
identifier identifier
immediately causally downstream of RO_0002405
immediately causally upstream of RO_0002412 [p is immediately causally upstream of q iff p is causally upstream of q, and the end of p is coincident with the beginning of q.]
immediately preceded by RO_0002087
immediately precedes RO_0002090
imported from IAO_0000412 [For external terms/classes, the ontology from which the term was imported]
in branch IAO_0000113 [An annotation property indicating which module the terms belong to. This is currently experimental and not implemented yet.]
in-part in_part
in_subset inSubset
indirectly causally upstream of RO_0012011 [p is indirectly causally upstream of q iff p is causally upstream of q and there exists some process r such that p is causally upstream of r and r is causally upstream of q.]
indirectly negatively regulates RO_0002409 [p indirectly negatively regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p negatively regulates q.]
indirectly positively regulates RO_0002407 [p indirectly positively regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p positively regulates q.]
indirectly regulates RO_0012012 [p indirectly regulates q iff p is indirectly causally upstream of q and p regulates q.]
input of RO_0002352 [inverse of has input]
interaction relation helper property RO_0002563
interacts with RO_0002434 [A relationship that holds between two entities in which the processes executed by the two entities are causally connected.]
involved in RO_0002331 [c involved_in p if and only if c enables some process p', and p' is part of p]
involved in negative regulation of RO_0002430 [c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' negatively regulates some p]
involved in or involved in regulation of RO_0002431 [c involved in or regulates p if and only if either (i) c is involved in p or (ii) c is involved in regulation of p]
involved in positive regulation of RO_0002429 [c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' positively regulates some p]