editor note
IAO_0000116 |
[An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology.] |
editor preferred term
IAO_0000111 |
[The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English)] |
IAO_0000600 |
enabled by
RO_0002333 |
[inverse of enables] |
RO_0002327 |
[c enables p iff c is capable of p and c acts to execute p.] |
enables subfunction
RO_0004031 |
[Holds between an entity and an process P where the entity enables some larger compound process, and that larger process has-part P.] |
ends after
RO_0002086 |
equivalent name
equivalent_name |
example of usage
IAO_0000112 |
[A phrase describing how a term should be used and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases where a relation is said to hold.] |
existsincountry |
existsincountryiso |
expand assertion to
IAO_0000425 |
[A macro expansion tag applied to an annotation property which can be expanded into a more detailed axiom.] |
expand expression to
IAO_0000424 |
[A macro expansion tag applied to an object property (or possibly a data property) which can be used by a macro-expansion engine to generate more complex expressions from simpler ones] |
first order logic expression
IAO_0000426 |
[An assertion that holds between an OWL Object Property and a string or literal, where the value of the string or literal is a Common Logic sentence of collection of sentences that define the Object Property.] |
format |
function of
RO_0000079 |
[a relation between a function and an independent continuant (the bearer), in which the function specifically depends on the bearer for its existence] |
functionally related to
RO_0002328 |
[A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities.] |
genbank common name
genbank_common_name |
generically depends on
RO_0010001 |
[A generically dependent continuant *b* generically depends on an independent continuant *c* at time *t* means: there inheres in *c* a specifically deendent continuant which concretizes *b* at *t*.] |
has ID digit count
IAO_0000596 |
[Relates an ontology used to record id policy to the number of digits in the URI. The URI is: the 'has ID prefix" annotation property value concatenated with an integer in the id range (left padded with "0"s to make this many digits)] |