Property information
A relation between two distinct material entities (breeds or species), a descendant entity and an ancestor entity, in which the descendant entity is the result of mating, manipulation, or geographical or cultural isolation of the ancestor entity, therefore inheriting some of the ancestor’s genetic material.
A "foundation stock" refers to animals that are the progenitors, or foundation, of a breed or of a given bloodline within such. Many modern breeds can be traced to specific, named foundation animals, but a group of animals may be referred to collectively as foundation bloodstock when one distinct population (including both landrace breeds or a group of animals linked to a deliberate and specific selective breeding program) provides part of the underlying genetic base for a new distinct population. ( Example of usage: 'Cymric (cat)' (VBO:0100080) has_foundation_stock 'Manx (cat)' (VBO:0100156).
has_foundation_stock" can be used to relate a breed to one or more other breeds, or to a "species" (ie an NCBITaxon term) as in the cases of "hybrid breeds". "Hybrid breeds" are created by crossing animals of different species.