Label Id Description
UPHENO_0063970 UPHENO_0063970
spinal cord motor column morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087944 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the spinal cord motor column, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
gastrula morphology phenotype UPHENO_0086679 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the gastrula, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
spinal cord morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087858 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the spinal cord, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
posterior neural tube phenotype UPHENO_0003181 [Changed posterior neural tube.]
central nervous system cell part cluster phenotype UPHENO_0002538 [Changed central nervous system cell part cluster.]
neural plate morphology phenotype UPHENO_0086485 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the neural plate, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
neural tube morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087363 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the neural tube, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
chordal neural plate phenotype UPHENO_0003237 [Changed chordal neural plate.]
decreased number of somite UPHENO_0063977 [The presence of a reduced number of somite.]
decreased number of developing anatomical structure UPHENO_0063912 [The presence of a reduced number of developing anatomical structure.]
decreased number of epithelial vesicle UPHENO_0063974 [The presence of a reduced number of epithelial vesicle.]
number of anatomical enitites of type somite phenotype UPHENO_0011791 [Any structural anomaly that causes there to be a changed number somite.]
female urethra morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087945 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the female urethra, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
female organism phenotype UPHENO_0005022 [Changed female organism.]
urethra morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087871 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the urethra, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
UPHENO_0063978 UPHENO_0063978
hyoid bone greater horn morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087946 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the hyoid bone greater horn, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
lateral structure phenotype UPHENO_0002731 [Changed lateral structure.]
hyoid bone morphology phenotype UPHENO_0086727 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the hyoid bone, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]