vasculature of eye morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0087915 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the vasculature of eye, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
optic cup morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0086486 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the optic cup, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
vascular system morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0076729 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the vascular system, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
vasculature of eye phenotype
UPHENO_0005090 |
[Changed vasculature of eye.] |
UPHENO_0048307 |
submucosa of trachea morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0087916 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the submucosa of trachea, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
organ component layer phenotype
UPHENO_0002987 |
[Changed organ component layer.] |
connective tissue phenotype
UPHENO_0002712 |
[Changed connective tissue.] |
trachea morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0087816 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the trachea, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
increased thickness of the scapulocoracoid
UPHENO_0048308 |
[An increase in the thickness of the scapulocoracoid.] |
increased size of the scapulocoracoid
UPHENO_0001970 |
[An increase in the size of the scapulocoracoid.] |
increased thickness of the skeletal element
UPHENO_0047934 |
[An increase in the thickness of the skeletal element.] |
vasculature of retina morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0087917 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the vasculature of retina, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
retina morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0076782 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the retina, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
vasculature of retina phenotype
UPHENO_0005091 |
[Changed vasculature of retina.] |
UPHENO_0063968 |
increased thickness of the blastoderm
UPHENO_0048309 |
[An increase in the thickness of the blastoderm.] |
increased thickness of the embryonic structure
UPHENO_0047951 |
[An increase in the thickness of the embryonic structure.] |
manubrium of sternum morphology phenotype
UPHENO_0087918 |
[Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the manubrium of sternum, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.] |
UPHENO_0063969 |