Label Id Description
cartilaginous joint morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087899 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the cartilaginous joint, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
decreased number of Meckel's cartilage UPHENO_0063932 [The presence of a reduced number of Meckel's cartilage.]
decreased number of neural crest-derived structure UPHENO_0063743 [The presence of a reduced number of neural crest-derived structure.]
decreased number of pharyngeal arch cartilage UPHENO_0063937 [The presence of a reduced number of pharyngeal arch cartilage.]
number of anatomical enitites of type Meckel's cartilage phenotype UPHENO_0011744 [Any structural anomaly that causes there to be a changed number Meckel's cartilage.]
decreased number of lower leg connective tissue UPHENO_0063930 [The presence of a reduced number of lower leg connective tissue.]
lower leg connective tissue phenotype UPHENO_0002609 [Changed lower leg connective tissue.]
sacro-iliac joint morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087908 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the sacro-iliac joint, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
sacro-iliac joint phenotype UPHENO_0075874 [Changed sacro-iliac joint.]
synovial joint of pelvic girdle morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087980 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the synovial joint of pelvic girdle, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087909 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth phenotype UPHENO_0005078 [Changed macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth.]
saccule of membranous labyrinth morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087536 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the saccule of membranous labyrinth, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
decreased number of trunk somite UPHENO_0063939 [The presence of a reduced number of trunk somite.]
number of anatomical enitites of type trunk somite phenotype UPHENO_0011661 [Any structural anomaly that causes there to be a changed number trunk somite.]
decreased number of tissue in the trunk UPHENO_0035140 [The presence of a reduced number of tissue in the trunk.]
tertiary ovarian follicle morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087904 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the tertiary ovarian follicle, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
number of anatomical enitites of type pharyngeal arch cartilage phenotype UPHENO_0011831 [Any structural anomaly that causes there to be a changed number pharyngeal arch cartilage.]
reproductive system morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087547 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the reproductive system, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
decreased number of endo-epithelium UPHENO_0063938 [The presence of a reduced number of endo-epithelium.]