Label Id Description
embryonic cloacal fold morphology phenotype UPHENO_0086965 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the embryonic cloacal fold, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
urogenital fold morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087905 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the urogenital fold, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
spongiose part of urethra morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087939 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the spongiose part of urethra, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
penis morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087548 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the penis, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
lateral plate mesoderm morphology phenotype UPHENO_0076697 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the lateral plate mesoderm, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
undifferentiated genital tubercle morphology phenotype UPHENO_0087387 [Any unspecified morphological anomaly of part of the undifferentiated genital tubercle, such as, for example, changed shape or colour.]
UPHENO_0073301 UPHENO_0073301
UPHENO_0063991 UPHENO_0063991
UPHENO_0063992 UPHENO_0063992
decreased number of early pharyngeal endoderm UPHENO_0063990 [The presence of a reduced number of early pharyngeal endoderm.]
decreased number of endoderm of foregut UPHENO_0064181 [The presence of a reduced number of endoderm of foregut.]
endoderm phenotype UPHENO_0004891 [Changed endoderm.]
multi organ part structure phenotype UPHENO_0002643 [Changed multi organ part structure.]
decreased number of pedal digit UPHENO_0063911 [The presence of a reduced number of pedal digit.]
decreased number of digit in the pes UPHENO_0035111 [The presence of a reduced number of digit in the pes.]
pedal digit phenotype UPHENO_0002883 [Changed pedal digit.]
number of anatomical enitites of type developing anatomical structure phenotype UPHENO_0011720 [Any structural anomaly that causes there to be a changed number developing anatomical structure.]
decreased number of material anatomical entity UPHENO_0063794 [The presence of a reduced number of material anatomical entity.]
decreased number of solid compound organ UPHENO_0063910 [The presence of a reduced number of solid compound organ.]
decreased number of compound organ UPHENO_0063777 [The presence of a reduced number of compound organ.]