All properties in UPHENO_REORDERED

Label Id Description
goslim_plant_ribbon goslim_plant_ribbon
goslim_pombe goslim_pombe
goslim_prokaryote goslim_prokaryote
goslim_prokaryote_ribbon goslim_prokaryote_ribbon
goslim_synapse goslim_synapse
goslim_virus goslim_virus
goslim_yeast goslim_yeast
grouping_class grouping_class
has broad synonym hasBroadSynonym [An alternative label for a class or property which has a more general meaning than the preferred name/primary label.]
has exact synonym hasExactSynonym [An alternative label for a class or property which has the exact same meaning than the preferred name/primary label.]
has narrow synonym hasNarrowSynonym [An alternative label for a class or property which has a more specific meaning than the preferred name/primary label.]
has ontology root term IAO_0000700 [Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root.]
has phenotypic analogue UPHENO_0000002
has related synonym hasRelatedSynonym [An alternative label for a class or property that has been used synonymously with the primary term name, but the usage is not strictly correct.]
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homology_grouping homology_grouping
hpo_slim hpo_slim
hposlim_core hposlim_core
human_reference_atlas human_reference_atlas
in_subset inSubset