Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendicular skeleton and the pelvic girdle. [ VSAO:0000215 ]

Synonyms: pelvic appendage/girdle complex pelvic girdle plus pelvic limb or fin pelvic girdle plus posterior limb or fin

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference


RO 0002171

UBPROP 0000001

Appendage girdle complex that when present, encompasses the pelvic appendage and the pelvic girdle.[VSAO]

UBPROP 0000012

note that the FMA uses the terms 'upper limb' and 'lower limb' to refer to the entire appendage complex (free limb plus girdle region). Note the MA class 'hindlimb' may also belong here

has related synonym

lower limb and pelvic girdle

lower limb

lower limb and pelvis

