The three-lobed cloverleaf-shaped aponeurosis situated at the center of the diaphragm; the central tendon is fused with the fibrous pericardium that provides attachment for the muscle fibers. [ MP:0012061 ]

Synonyms: centrum tendineum central tendon centrum tendineum diaphragmatis

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UBPROP 0000003

In mammals, the diaphragm muscle divides the thoracoabdominal cavity into thorax and abdomen. In most mammals, the diaphragm is a flat sheet with muscle fibers radiating outward from a central tendon, and the diaphragm's apposition to the cranial surface of the liver gives it a dome-shape. Muscle fiber contraction reduces the curvature of the dome, thereby expanding the thoracic cavity and aspirating air into the lungs.[well established][VHOG]

