A mucosa that is part of a pyloric antrum [Automatically generated definition]. [ OBOL:automatic ]
Synonyms: mucous membrane of antrum of stomach organ mucosa of pyloric antrum antrum of stomach mucosa of organ stomach pyloric antrum mucous membrane stomach pyloric antrum mucosa mucosa of stomach pyloric antrum stomach pyloric antrum mucosa of organ antrum of stomach mucosa mucosa of antrum of stomach antrum of stomach mucous membrane organ mucosa of antrum of stomach pyloric antrum mucosa of organ organ mucosa of stomach pyloric antrum mucous membrane of pyloric antrum pyloric antrum mucosa mucosa of organ of pyloric antrum stomach pyloric antrum organ mucosa mucosa of organ of antrum of stomach antral mucosa antrum of stomach organ mucosa mucous membrane of stomach pyloric antrum mucosa of organ of stomach pyloric antrum pyloric antrum organ mucosa pyloric antrum mucous membrane