A mucous membrane that lines the mouth. [ http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165 ]

Synonyms: oral part of viscerocranial mucosa mouth mucous membrane mouth mucosa mucosa of mouth oral mucous membrane mucous membrane of mouth mouth organ mucosa tunica mucosa oris

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

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IAO 0000232

this is defined as any mucous membrane of the mouth - including palate, lips, uvula, etc. ncit split mouth/oral mucosa into lip and buccal. In future we may split into masticatory/keratinized (gingiva + hard palate) vs lining/non-keratinized (lips, cheeks, floor of mouth, soft palate). FMA distinguishes between mucosa of mouth and region of mouth (the latter including the buccal mucosa)

UBPROP 0000001

the mucous membrane epithelium of the mouth. It can be divided into three categories: masticatory, lining, and specialized[Wikipedia:Oral_mucosa].

has related synonym

buccal mucosa

mucosal lining of mouth

oral mucosa

tunica mucosa oris

