A process which begins when a cell receives an internal or external signal and activates a series of biochemical events (signaling pathway). The process ends with the death of the cell. [ GOC:mtg_apoptosis GOC:lr ]

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information


goslim_generic, prokaryote_subset


Note that this term should be used to annotate gene products in the organism undergoing the programmed cell death. To annotate genes in another organism whose products modulate programmed cell death in a host organism, consider the term 'modulation by symbiont of host programmed cell death ; GO:0052040'. Also, note that 'programmed cell death ; GO:0012501' should be used to refer to instances of caspase-independent cell death mechanisms, in the absence of further indications on the process taking place. At present, caspase-independent cell death is not yet represented in GO due to the lack of consensus and in-depth research on the topic. 'programmed cell death ; GO:0012501' may also be used to annotate gene products in taxa where apoptosis as defined in GO:0006915 does not occur, such as plants. You may also consider these specific children: GO:0097468 'programmed cell death in response to reactive oxygen species' (with descendants GO:0010421 'hydrogen peroxide-mediated programmed cell death' and GO:0010343 'singlet oxygen-mediated programmed cell death'), and GO:0009626 'plant-type hypersensitive response' and its children.





has broad synonym

regulated cell death

has narrow synonym

non-apoptotic programmed cell death

nonapoptotic programmed cell death

caspase-independent cell death

has related synonym


caspase-independent apoptosis


