An endothelial cell comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures and can be squamous or cuboidal. In mammals, endothelial cell has vimentin filaments and is derived from the mesoderm. [ MESH:D042783 GOC:tfm ]

Synonyms: endotheliocyte

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RO 0002175


From FMA: 9.07.2001: Endothelial cell has always been classified as a kind of epithelial cell, specifically a squamous cell but that is not true. First, endothelial cell can either be squamous or cuboidal (e.g. high-endothelial cell) and secondly, it has different embryological derivation (mesodermal) than a true epithelial cell (ectodermal and endodermal). The basis for present classification is the fact that it comprises the outermost layer or lining of anatomical structures (location-based) but a better structural basis for the differentia is the cytoskeleton of the cell. Endothelial cell has vimentin filaments while an epithelial cell has keratin filaments. [Onard].