All terms in UPHENO

Label Id Description
pectoral fin immobile, abnormal ZP_0142530 [Abnormal(ly) immobile (of) pectoral fin.]
abnormally immobile anatomical entity UPHENO_0081417 [complete lack of mobility of the anatomical entity.]
pectoral fin paralysed, abnormal ZP_0142531 [Abnormal(ly) paralysed (of) pectoral fin.]
paralysed organism subdivision UPHENO_0081702 [Complete loss of the ability to move organism subdivision.]
fin movement behavioral quality, abnormal ZP_0101032 [Abnormal(ly) movement behavioral quality (of) fin.]
polster UBERON_2000058 [The hatching gland rudiment at the time it underlies the forebrain during the early segmentation period. Kimmel et al, 1995.]
median axial vein UBERON_2000039
vein UBERON_0001638 [Any of the tubular branching vessels that carry blood from the capillaries toward the heart.]
neuron motor nucleus of vagal nerve mislocalised anteriorly, abnormal ZP_0142558 [Abnormal(ly) mislocalised anteriorly (of) motor nucleus of vagal nerve of neuron.]
neuron hindbrain mislocalised, abnormal ZP_0010073 [Abnormal(ly) mislocalised (of) hindbrain of neuron.]
motor nucleus of vagal nerve quality, abnormal ZP_0108751 [Abnormal(ly) quality (of) motor nucleus of vagal nerve.]
neuron motor nucleus of vagal nerve mislocalised posteriorly, abnormal ZP_0142559 [Abnormal(ly) mislocalised posteriorly (of) motor nucleus of vagal nerve of neuron.]
neuron hindbrain mislocalised posteriorly, abnormal ZP_0007705 [Abnormal(ly) mislocalised posteriorly (of) hindbrain of neuron.]
increased cell migration of multiciliated epidermal cell XPO_0131690 [An increased occurrence of cell migration in multiciliated epidermal cell.]
abnormal cell migration of multiciliated epidermal cell XPO_0131689 [An abnormality of the cell migration in multiciliated epidermal cell.]
increased occurrence of cell migration in independent continuant UPHENO_0077206 [An increased occurrence of cell migration in independent continuant.]
abnormal molecular function XPO_0131691 [Abnormal molecular_function.]
abnormal molecular_function UPHENO_0031743 [Abnormal molecular_function.]
Xenopus phenotype XPO_00000000 [A phenotype observed in Xenopus.]
abnormal MAP kinase activity XPO_0131692 [Abnormal MAP kinase activity.]