A portion of tissue that gives rise to the scale. At the initial stages the primordium is composed of an accumulation of fibroblast below the basil epidermis. As the primordium develops the epidermis over the fibroblast alters: the basal epidermal cells become cuboidal and narrow, the collagen matrix remodels and the hemidesmosomes disappear. [ GOC:cvs ORCiD:0000-0002-2244-7917 http://zfin.org/ZDB-PUB-081008-12 ]

Synonyms: scale primordia

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

OBO foundry unique label

scale primordium (zebrafish)

created by

Melissa Haendel

creation date


has related synonym

scale placode

has obo namespace


