Pharyngobranchial 2 (misidentified as pharyngobranchial 1 in Cubbage & Mabee, 1993 and Mayden 1989) is present and separate from pharyngobranchial 3. It (8.0 mm) ossifies after pharyngobranchial 3. In the adult, the cartilaginous anterior end of the ossified pharyngobranchial 2 articulates with the cartilaginous medial tip of epibranchial 1. It articulates anterolaterally and posterolaterally with the anterior and posterior cartilaginous tips of epibranchial2. In Cyprinidae pb3 overlaps pb2 (Siebert, 1987; Cavender & Coburn, 1992) but does not fuse to it. [ ORCiD:0000-0001-9114-8737 GOC:mh ]

Synonyms: infrapharyngobranchial 2

This is just here as a test because I lose it