A vertebral centrum that is posterior to preural vertebra 1 and consequently the most posterior vertebral centra. Ural centrum is a unpaired median bone. [ TAO:GA_TG ]
Term information
A ural centrum may be formed by a chordacentrum alone, or chordacentrum plus autocentrum or autocentrum alone depending on the teleost subgroup. An ural centrum may articulate or fuse with its neural arch dorsally or the neural arch my be absent and with a hypural ventrally. The term ural centrum was proposed by Nybelin (1963). For the composition and formation of caudal vertebrae and centra see Arratia (1991), Arratia and Schultze (1992) and Arratia et al. (2001).
This class was sourced from an external ontology (teleost_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon