A free, modified neural spine of a preural or a ural vertebra that is placed between the last developed neural spine of a preural centrum and the dorsal axis (= anterior margin of first uroneural) of the caudal skeleton . An epural commonly supports one or more dorsal procurrent rays. An epural is an unpaired median perichondrally ossified bone. [ http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jmor.1052140209 ]

Synonyms: éphural epiural épural epurals epiural apophysis

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

plural term
epurals [ TAO:0000660 ]


The origin of the epurals is unclear, three hypotheses have been proposed: 1) The epurals are modified radials or dorsal radials; 2) the epurals are detached neural spines and may support fin rays; and 3) the epurals are a serial homologue of the supraneuralia. At least in teleosts the epural is a detached neural spine. For details see Schultze and Arratia (1989) and Arratia and Schultze (1992).



provenance notes

This class was sourced from an external ontology (teleost_anatomy). Its definitions, naming conventions and relationships may need to be checked for compatibility with uberon

Term relations