The thalamic fasciculus is a component of the subthalamus. It is sometimes considered synonymous with 'field H1 of Forel'. Nerve fibres forming a composite bundle containing cerebellothalamic (crossed) and pallidothalamic (uncrossed) fibres that is insinuated between the thalamus and zona incerta. The thalamic fasciculus consists of the joint fibers of the ansa lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus, coming from different portions of the medial globus pallidus, before they jointly enter the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus. [ ]

Synonyms: fasciculus thalamicus area tegmentalis, pars dorsalis fasciculus thalamicus hypothalami area tegmentalis H1 tegmental area h1 h1 field of Forel field H1 area subthalamica tegmentalis, pars dorsomedialis h1 bundle of Forel thalamic fasciculus [h1] area tegmentalis, pars dorsalis (Forel) campus foreli (pars dorsalis) forel's field h1 forelli campus I fasciculus thalamicus [h1] thalamic fasciculus

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
latin term
area tegmentalis, pars dorsalis [ FMA:62065 FMA:TA ]

latin term
fasciculus thalamicus hypothalami [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
area tegmentalis H1 [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
h1 bundle of Forel [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
area subthalamica tegmentalis, pars dorsomedialis [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
campus foreli (pars dorsalis) [ FMA:62065 FMA:TA ]

latin term
area tegmentalis, pars dorsalis (Forel) [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
h1 field of Forel [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

latin term
forelli campus I [ FMA:TA FMA:62065 ]

