Synonyms: ceratohyal rostral ceratohyal distal ceratohyal ceratohyoid bone anterohyal anterior ceratohyal ceratohyal anterior ceratohyal bone
Term information
- SCTID:370641002
- TAO:0000578
- ZFA:0000578
- AAO:0000666
relationship loss: overlaps ceratohyal-ventral hypohyal joint (TAO:0001844)[TAO]
relationship loss: overlaps ceratohyal-branchiostegal ray joint (TAO:0001850)[TAO]
relationship loss: overlaps epihyal-ceratohyal joint (TAO:0001842)[TAO]
relationship loss: overlaps ceratohyal-dorsal hypohyal joint (TAO:0001843)[TAO]
Replacement bone that is bilaterally paired and articulates with the hypohyal cartilage or bone, dorsal and ventral hypohyals, and posterior ceratohyal posteriorly.[TAO]