Subdivision of skeleton that corresponds to metapodium region, between acropodial skeleton and mesopdoial skeleton. [ ]

Synonyms: metapodial skeleton skeleton of metapodium skeletal parts of metapodium metacarpal/metatarsal skeleton metapodium skeleton

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

axiom lost from external ontology

relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: distally_connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO]

relationship type change: subclass skeletal subdivision (VSAO:0000042) CHANGED TO: connected_to subdivision of skeleton (UBERON:0010912)[VSAO]

external definition

Endochondral bone complex located between the mesopodium and the acropodium and consisting of the metacarpals or metatarsals.[VSAO]

has related synonym


