The culmen is the portion of the anterior vermis adjacent to the primary fissure of cerebellum. The culmen and the anterior parts of the quadrangular lobules form the lobus culminis[WP]. [ ]

Synonyms: cerebellum culmen culmen lobule neuraxis culmen

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • neuronames:659
  • SCTID:89649002
  • BIRNLEX:926
  • BAMS:Cul
  • SCTID:279384001
  • FMA:83886
  • MBA:928
external ontology notes

ABA splits culmen into IV and V and IV-V

has related synonym

lobule IV and V of vermis

culmen of vermis



taxon notes

The culmen lobule (lobules IV/V) is a single structure in humans, but it is divided by the intraculminate fissure in many rodents. In some mouse strains such as SLJ/J, the intraculminate fissure is absent, in some strains such as DBA/2J it is present, and other strains (C57BL/10J and BALB/cJ) exhibit considerable variablility (PMID: 1953602).[MP]