The middle and longest portion of the sternum, lying between the manubrium superiorly and the xiphoid process inferiorly; it considerably lengthier, narrower, and thinner than the manubrium, attains its greatest breadth close to the lower end. [ MP:0012512 ]

Synonyms: gladiolus of sternum sternum body mesosternum sternal body

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

depicted by

external definition

Proximal portion of the sternum, usually elaborated into a stylum that may be ossified.[AAO]

external ontology notes

AAO defines as 'Proximal portion of the sternum, usually elaborated into a stylum that may be ossified' [AAO:0000939]

has broad synonym


has related synonym

corpus sterni

body of the sternum



Term relations

Subclass of: