pectoral appendage apical ectodermal ridge

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An apical ectodermal ridge that is part of a pectoral appendage bud. [ OBOL:automatic ]

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • EFO:0003487
  • TAO:0000736
  • TAO:0000085
  • VHOG:0001064
  • EHDAA2:0000138
  • ZFA:0000085
  • EMAPA:16778

efo_slim, vertebrate_core

taxonomic disambiguation
wing AER [ Giesha:syn ]

taxonomic disambiguation
wing apical ectodermal ridge

external definition

An ectodermal thickening at the end of the forelimb bud in the developing embryo. [TFD][VHOG]

Apical ectodermal ridge that is part of the pectoral fin bud.[TAO]

has narrow synonym

upper limb bud apical ectodermal ridge

wing AER

apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin bud

wing apical ectodermal ridge

AER forelimb

apical ectodermal ridge forelimb

has related synonym

apical ectodermal ridge pectoral fin

aer pectoral fin

apical fold pectoral fin

homology notes

Pectoral and pelvic fins are homologous to the tetrapod fore and hindlimb, respectively. (...) The zebrafish AER [apical ectodermal ridge] is an apical ectodermal thickening at the distal tip of the fin bud and consists of wedge-shaped cells of the basal stratum. The AER is observed only transiently, and from 36 hpf onwards the cells of this region form the apical fold (AF), which consists of a dorsal and a ventral layer of cylindrically-shaped ectodermal cells extending from the anterior to the posterior fin margin. Despite the change in shape, the AF still carries out the same functions as the AER. Indeed, although the AER receives its name from its characteristic shape, being composed of a pseudostratified ectoderm in the chicken and a polystratified ectoderm in the mouse, this independence of AER morphology from its function is also observed in tetrapods. The AF also expresses similar molecular markers to the tetrapod AER, suggesting that it fulfills similar functions in the fin as the AER does in tetrapod limbs.[well established][VHOG]

