Anatomical structure that overlaps the outer epithelial layer and is adjacent to the space surrounding the organism. [ ]
Synonyms: anatomical surface feature
Term information
- XAO:0003028
- EHDAA2_RETIRED:0003010
- TAO:0000292
- VSAO:0000001
- ZFA:0000292
- AAO:0010337
- Wikipedia:Surface_structure
- AEO_RETIRED:0000010
- galen:SurfaceRegion
Organism subdivision which is the collection of anatomical structures on the body surface.[ZFA]
Term relations
- material entity
- bearer of some mass
- bearer of some maximally connected
- bearer of some 3-D shape
- adjacent to some space surrounding organism
- existence starts during or after some zygote stage
- end stage some death stage