All properties in UPHENO

Label Id Description
synonym that is inappropriate for mammals NON_MAMMAL
synonym typically used in the context of human anatomy human
synonym typically used in the context of vertebrate anatomy vertebrate
synonym_type_property SynonymTypeProperty
taxon taxon
taxon_notes taxon_notes
taxon_notes UBPROP_0000008 [Notes on the how instances of this class vary across species.]
taxonomic disambiguation SENSU
temporal interpretation RO_0001900 [An assertion that holds between an OWL Object Property and a temporal interpretation that elucidates how OWL Class Axioms that use this property are to be interpreted in a temporal context.]
temporally related to RO_0002222
term editor IAO_0000117 [Name of editor entering the term in the file. The term editor is a point of contact for information regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is not always, the author of the definition, which may have been worked upon by several people]
term replaced by IAO_0100001 [Use on obsolete terms, relating the term to another term that can be used as a substitute, Add as annotation triples in the granting ontology]
term tracker item IAO_0000233 [An IRI or similar locator for a request or discussion of an ontology term.]
terminology_notes UBPROP_0000013 [Notes on how lexical conventions regarding this class, in particular any issues that may arise due to homonyny or synonymy.]
title title
title title
todo todo
topObjectProperty topObjectProperty
towards RO_0002503 [q towards e2 if and only if q is a relational quality such that q inheres-in some e, and e != e2 and q is dependent on e2]
transformation of RO_0002494 [x transformation of y if x is the immediate transformation of y, or is linked to y through a chain of transformation relationships]