All properties in UPHENO

Label Id Description
has_gene_template has_gene_template [See document for full definition.]
has_increased_levels_of has_increased_levels_of
has_not_completed CL_4030044
has_obo_format_version hasOBOFormatVersion
has_obo_namespace hasOBONamespace
has_output has_output [p has output c if either: p has direct output c or p has output input c. Implies that if p happens, c always ensues.]
has_part has_part [Inverse of part_of.]
has_participant has_participant
has_quality has_quality
has_quality has_quality
has_rank has_rank
has_rank has_rank
has_relational_adjective UBPROP_0000007
has_scope hasScope
has_specified_output OBI_0000299 [The inverse property of is_specified_output_of]
has_synonym_type hasSynonymType
has_unit has_unit
helper property (not for use in curation) RO_0002464
homology_grouping homology_grouping
homology_notes UBPROP_0000003 [Notes on the homology status of this class.]