All terms in OMIM

Label Id Description
lenz-majewski hyperostotic dwarfism 151050
disproportionate short stature with ptosis and valvular heart lesions 126190
nevus anemicus 163050
cataract, microcephaly, failure to thrive, kyphoscoliosis syndrome 212540
discrimination, two-point, reduction 1n 126180
Omodysplasia PS258315
175020 175020
optic disc anomalies with retinal and/or macular dystrophy 212550
multinucleated neurons, anhydramnios, renal dysplasia, cerebellar hypoplasia, and hydranencephaly 236500
acheiropody 200500
TAL1 187040
juvenile polyposis/hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia syndrome 175050
CALCRL 114190
CHR_9606chr21q21.3 CHR_9606chr21q21.3
Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic (see also primary pulmonary hypertension ({PS178600}) PS187300
CHR_9606chr21q21.1 CHR_9606chr21q21.1
CHR_9606chr11q22-qter CHR_9606chr11q22-qter
teeth present at birth 187050
CALML3 114184
CALM3 114183