All terms in MONDO_PATTERN

Label Id Description
MONDO_0002491 MONDO_0002491
autosomal dominant 'disease' autosomal_dominant.yaml [Autosomal dominant form of 'disease'.]
UBERON_0000061 UBERON_0000061
HP_0001450 HP_0001450
tetrasomy 'chromosome' tetrasomy.yaml [A chromosomal disorder consisting of the presence of 2 extra chromosome 'chromosome'.]
inflammation of 'anatomical structure' due to 'organism' infectious_inflammation.yaml [An inflammatory disease involving a pathogenic inflammatory response in the 'anatomical structure' caused by infection with 'organism'.]
MONDO_0004972 MONDO_0004972
'disease' OMIM_phenotypic_series.yaml
primary 'disease' primary_infectious.yaml [A 'disease' that arises from infection in an immunologically normal host.]
HP_0000007 HP_0000007
'human disease or disorder', non-human animal nonhuman_disease.yaml ['human disease or disorder' that occurs in non-human animals]
owl_thing neoplasm neoplasm_by_origin.yaml [A neoplasm involving a owl_thing.]
'disease', nuclear type nuclear_subtype.yaml [A 'disease' that has a defect in a nuclear gene.]
NCBITaxon_10239 NCBITaxon_10239
MONDO_0029000 MONDO_0029000
'owl_thing' 'disease' specific_disease_by_disrupted_process.yaml [Any 'disease' that disrupts 'owl_thing']
autoimmune 'anatomical structure' inflammation autoimmune_inflammation.yaml [An autoimmune inflammatory disease involving a pathogenic inflammatory response in the 'anatomical structure'.]
'chromosomal region' deletion chromosomal_region_deletion.yaml [A chromosomal disorder consisting of the deletion of 'chromosomal region'.]
severe 'disease' severe.yaml [An instance of 'disease' in which the disease presentation is severe in severity.]
HP_0002960 HP_0002960