All terms in MONDO_PATTERN

Label Id Description
hereditary 'disease' hereditary.yaml [An instance of 'disease' that is caused by an inherited genomic modification in an individual.]
CL_0000000 CL_0000000
'disease' of 'anatomical entity' or 'cell' location.yaml [A 'disease' that involves the 'anatomical entity' or 'cell'.]
HP_0003621 HP_0003621
CHEBI_24431 CHEBI_24431
GO_0016068 GO_0016068
MONDO_0700005 MONDO_0700005
GO_0098687 GO_0098687
'chromosome' disorder chromosome_type.yaml [A chromosomal disorder in which 'chromosome' is affected.]
mild 'disease' mild.yaml [An instance of 'disease' in which the disease presentation is mild in severity.]
owl_thing adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma.yaml [A carcinoma that arises from glandular epithelial cells of the owl_thing]
MONDO_0004970 MONDO_0004970
HP_0000118 HP_0000118
benign owl_thing neoplasm benign_neoplasm.yaml [A benign neoplasm involving a owl_thing.]
MONDO_0005165 MONDO_0005165
HP_0000005 HP_0000005
HP_0000006 HP_0000006
disease_has_major_feature.yaml disease_has_major_feature.yaml
inflammation of 'anatomical structure' inflammatory_disease_by_site.yaml [An inflammatory disease involving a pathogenic inflammatory response in the 'anatomical structure'.]
'material entity' abuse substance_abuse.yaml [The abuse or overuse of 'material entity'.]