All terms in MONDO_PATTERN

Label Id Description
MONDO_0019496 MONDO_0019496
'disease' realized in response to 'exposure event' realized_in_response_to_evironmental_exposure.yaml [Any 'disease' that is realized in response to a 'exposure event']
PATO_0000389 PATO_0000389
trisomy 'chromosome' trisomy.yaml [A chromosomal disorder consisting of the presence of an extra 'chromosome'.]
'infectious disease' transmitted by 'organism' vectorBorneDisease.yaml ['organism'-borne 'infectious disease'.]
dependence on 'chemical' dependence_on_substance.yaml [A substance dependence on 'chemical'.]
X-linked 'disease' x_linked.yaml [X-linked form of 'disease'.]
SO_0001217 SO_0001217
owl_thing allergic disease allergy.yaml [A allergic disease involving a owl_thing.]
MONDO_0005271 MONDO_0005271
'process' disease basis_in_disruption_of_process.yaml [A disease that has its basis in the disruption of 'process'.]
owl_thing neuroendocrine neoplasm G1 neuroendocrine_neoplasm_grade1.yaml [A well differentiated, low grade tumor with neuroendocrine differentiation that arises from the owl_thing.]
MONDO_0021152 MONDO_0021152
owl_thing cancer cancer.yaml [A cancer involving a owl_thing.]
MONDO_0004992 MONDO_0004992
MONDO_0021150 MONDO_0021150
autosomal recessive 'disease' autosomal_recessive.yaml [Autosomal recessive form of 'disease'.]
ring chromosome 'chromosome' disorder ring_chromosome_anomaly.yaml [A chromosomal disorder consisting of the presence of ring chromosome 'chromosome'.]
MONDO_0700091 MONDO_0700091
acute 'disease' acute.yaml [Acute form of 'disease'.]