All terms in MONDO_PATTERN

Label Id Description
owl_thing neoplasm neoplasm.yaml [A neoplasm involving a owl_thing.]
inborn disorder of 'owl_thing' inborn_metabolic_disrupts.yaml [An acquired metabolic disease that is has its basis in the disruption of 'owl_thing'.]
malignant owl_thing malignant.yaml [A malignant form of owl_thing.]
MONDO_0021141 MONDO_0021141
MONDO_0021140 MONDO_0021140
monosomy 'chromosome' monosomy.yaml [A chromosomal disorder consisting of the absence of one 'chromosome'.]
MONDO_0020639 MONDO_0020639
PATO_0040025 PATO_0040025
MONDO_0003036 MONDO_0003036
BFO_0000004 BFO_0000004
postinfectious 'organism' arising from 'infectious disease' postinfectious_disease.yaml [A post-infectious form of 'organism' that arises as a result on an initial 'infectious disease'.]
NCBITaxon_1 NCBITaxon_1
Y-linked 'disease' y_linked.yaml [Y-linked form of 'disease'.]
MONDO_0005212 MONDO_0005212
chronic 'disease' chronic.yaml [Chronic form of 'disease'.]
owl_thing melanoma melanoma.yaml [A melanoma that involves the owl_thing.]
MONDO_0005105 MONDO_0005105
'anatomical entity' meningioma meningioma.yaml [A meningioma that affects the 'anatomical entity'.]
MONDO_0016642 MONDO_0016642
MONDO_0021128 MONDO_0021128