Abnormal blood vessel morphology
HP_0033353 |
[Any structural anomaly of a blood vessel (artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, or vein).] |
Abnormality of the pulmonary vasculature
HP_0004930 |
Abnormality of the vasculature
HP_0002597 |
Abnormal lung morphology
HP_0002088 |
Negative Test Result
NCIT_C35681 |
Clinical Test Result
NCIT_C77140 |
Positive Laboratory Test Result
NCIT_C35682 |
Laboratory Test Result
NCIT_C36292 |
[X] familial severe combined immunodeficiency
MONDO_0031520 |
severe combined immunodeficiency
MONDO_0015974 |
[Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) comprises a group of rare monogenic primary immunodeficiency disorders characterized by a lack of functional peripheral T lymphocytes resulting in early-onset severe respiratory infections and failure to thrive. They are classified according to immunological phenotype into SCID with absence of T cells but presence of B cells (T-B+ SCID) or SCID with absence of both (T-B- SCID). Both of these groups include several forms, with or without natural killer (NK) cells.] |
leg dermatosis
MONDO_0006569 |
[A nonspecific term used to denote any cutaneous lesion or group of lesions, or eruptions of any type on the leg. (From Stedman, 25th ed)] |
kernicterus due to isoimmunization
MONDO_0006567 |
[Encephalopathy in infants due to high levels of unconjugated bilirubin that are a result of Rh incompatibility between the mother and the fetus.] |
[X] bilirubin encephalopathy
MONDO_0018477 |
[X] neonatal anemia
MONDO_0001240 |
[The mildest form of erythroblastosis fetalis in which anemia is the chief manifestation.] |
obsolete Kimura disease
MONDO_0006568 |
juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis
MONDO_0006565 |
[Dermatitis herpetiformis in children] |
dermatitis herpetiformis
MONDO_0015614 |
[Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a chronic autoimmune subepidermal bullous disease characterized by grouped pruritic lesions such as papules, urticarial plaques, erythema, and herpetiform vesiculae, with a predominantly symmetrical distribution on extensor surfaces of the elbows (90%), knees (30%), shoulders, buttocks, sacral region, and face of children and adults. Erosions, excoriations and hyperpigmentation usually follow. DH may also appear as a consequence of gluten intolerance.] |
[X] keratinization disease
MONDO_0045011 |
[X] inverted follicular keratosis
MONDO_0006563 |
[Seborrheic keratosis that arises from follicular structures in the skin. It presents as a solitary nodule in the skin and is characterized by the presence of prominent squamous eddies.] |
seborrheic keratosis
MONDO_0008420 |
[A common benign skin neoplasm usually affecting older individuals. The lesions usually are multiple and arise in the face, chest, and shoulders. They appear as black or brown, slightly elevated skin lesions.] |