All terms in MONDO_MATRIX

Label Id Description
obsolete developmental dysplasia of the hip MONDO_0006511
antibacterial agent therapy MAXO_0000061 [Use of a drug to treat or prevent bacterial infections.]
antimicrobial agent therapy MAXO_0001021 [Use of a drug or therapy to treat or prevent microbial infections.]
KRT83 6460
KRT85 6462
KRT86 6463
Knee dislocation HP_0004976
Lower extremity joint dislocation HP_0030311
Abnormal knee physiology HP_0034670 [A functional anomaly of the knee joint.]
Coarctation of abdominal aorta HP_0004974
Coarctation of aorta HP_0001680
Pulmonary artery hypoplasia HP_0004971
Abnormal pulmonary artery morphology HP_0030966 [An abnormality of the structure of the pulmonary artery.]
obsolete bullous skin disease MONDO_0006529
anhidrosis MONDO_0006527 [Lack of sweating or the ability to sweat when provoked by the appropriate stimulus.]
[X] sweat gland disorder MONDO_0006615 [A disease involving the sweat gland.]
bacterial exanthem MONDO_0006528 [A bacteria-induced exanthem]
[X] exanthem MONDO_0006547 [Any change in the skin which affects its appearance or texture. A rash may be localized to one part of the body, or affect all the skin. Rashes may cause the skin to change color, itch, become warm, bumpy, dry, cracked or blistered, swell and may be painful.]
[X] skin disease caused by bacterial infection MONDO_0024295 [Skin diseases caused by bacteria.]
[X] allergic contact dermatitis MONDO_0006525 [An inflammatory skin condition caused by an immune response to direct contact between the skin and an allergen. It consists of a delayed type of allergic reaction at the affected site with resulting red, swollen, and blistered skin that may itch or leak.]