This is just here as a test because I lose it
Term information
Term relations
Subclass of:
- ectoderm-derived structure
- organ
- composed primarily of some neural cell
- existence ends during some fully formed stage
- contributes to morphology of some nervous system
- part of some central nervous system
- develops from some future brain
- BSPO_0000123 some multicellular organism
- immediate transformation of some future brain
Related from:
part of
- sulcus of brain
- brain ventricle/choroid plexus
- brain blood vessel
- brain pia mater
- brain meninx
- brain white matter
- brain gray matter
- midbrain-hindbrain boundary
- capillary of brain
- brain macroglial cell
- brain pericyte
- brain microvascular endothelial cell
- tract of brain
- brain endothelium
- vasculature of brain
- aggregate regional part of brain
- brainstem
- hindbrain
- brain dura mater
- regional part of brain
- nucleus of brain
- forebrain
- midbrain
- ventricular system of brain
- forebrain-midbrain boundary
- circumventricular organ
- brain commissure
- smooth muscle cell of the brain vasculature
- subarachnoid space of brain
- fasciculus of brain
- cerebral subcortex
- cerebellopontine angle