A benign, slow growing, and painless hamartomatous tumor occurring in tooth-bearing areas of the jaws. According to the presence or absence of tooth-like structures, it is classified as complex type or compound type. Odontoma of complex type is characterized by the presence of enamel and dentin and the absence of tooth-like structures. It is treated with local excision. If it is incompletely removed, it may recur. Odontoma of compound type is characterized by the presence of tooth-like structures. It is treated by local excision. Recurrences have not been reported. [ NCIT:C3287 ]
Synonyms: fibro-odontoma fibroodontoma odontoma odontoma, benign
Term information
- ICDO:9280/0 (NCIT:C3287)
- UMLS:C0028882 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- MESH:D009810 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- NCIT:C3287 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- MEDGEN:45181 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
matrix_llm__is_cancer_other, matrix_txgnn_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_llm__is_glucose_dysfunction_other, matrix_llm__tag_qualy_lost_other, mondo_top_grouping_member, matrix_llm__txgnn_other, matrix_llm__medical_specialization_other, mondo_top_grouping_mouth_disorder, matrix_llm__tag_existing_treatment_other, matrix_included, matrix_llm__anatomical_other, matrix_llm__is_pathogen_caused_other, mondo_top_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_txgnn_grouping_member, harrisons_view_cancer_or_benign_tumor, harrisons_view_member
ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
compound odontomas
ameloblastic fibro-odontomas
fibro odontoma, ameloblastic
odontoma, compound
fibro-odontoma, ameloblastic
fibro odontoma
odontomas, compound
compound odontoma
fibro-odontomas, ameloblastic