A benign, intermediate, or malignant neoplasm arising from vascular tissue including arteries, veins, venous sinuses, lymphatic vessels, arterioles and capillaries. It may occur in essentially any body location and is characterized by the presence of vascular channel formation and endothelial cells. [ NCIT:C7388 ]

Synonyms: vascular neoplasm vascular tissue tumor tumors, vascular neoplasm of vascular system vascular tumor vascular neoplasms vascular system neoplasm (disease) neoplasms, vascular vascular system tumor vascular tumors vascular tumours vascular tumour vascular tissue tumour tumor of vascular system tumour of vascular tissue vascular tissue neoplasm tumor of vascular tissue vascular system tumour tumour of vascular system neoplasm of vascular tissue vascular system neoplasm

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • NCIT:C7388 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
  • UMLS:C0282607 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
  • MEDGEN:129202 (MONDO:equivalentTo)

matrix_llm__is_cancer_other, matrix_txgnn_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_llm__is_glucose_dysfunction_other, otar, matrix_excluded, matrix_llm__tag_qualy_lost_other, mondo_top_grouping_member, matrix_llm__medical_specialization_other, matrix_llm__txgnn_other, matrix_txgnn_grouping_cardiovascular_disorder, matrix_llm__tag_existing_treatment_other, matrix_llm__anatomical_other, matrix_llm__is_pathogen_caused_other, mondo_top_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, harrisons_view_cardiovascular_disorder, matrix_txgnn_grouping_member, harrisons_view_cancer_or_benign_tumor, harrisons_view_member, mondo_top_grouping_cardiovascular_disorder

UK spelling synonym
tumour of vascular tissue

UK spelling synonym
tumour of vascular system

UK spelling synonym
vascular system tumour

UK spelling synonym
vascular tissue tumour

UK spelling synonym
vascular tumours

UK spelling synonym
vascular tumour







