[X] growth hormone-producing pituitary gland neoplasm

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An adenoma or carcinoma of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that produces growth hormone. [ NCIT:C7911 ]

Synonyms: growth hormone secreting neoplasm of the pituitary somatotropinoma of pituitary growth hormone producing neoplasm of pituitary growth hormone producing pituitary tumor somatotroph tumor growth hormone producing neoplasm of the pituitary growth hormone producing pituitary gland tumour somatotropinoma of the pituitary growth hormone secreting pituitary neoplasm somatotroph neoplasm growth hormone producing tumor of pituitary gland growth hormone secreting tumour of the pituitary growth hormone producing tumour of pituitary growth hormone producing neoplasm of the pituitary gland growth hormone secreting pituitary gland tumor growth hormone secreting neoplasm of pituitary gland somatotropinoma of pituitary gland growth hormone producing pituitary gland neoplasm growth hormone secreting pituitary gland tumour growth hormone producing tumor of pituitary growth hormone secreting tumour of pituitary growth hormone secreting tumour of the pituitary gland growth hormone producing tumor of the pituitary growth hormone producing tumour of pituitary gland Growth hormone-producing pituitary gland tumor growth hormone producing tumour growth hormone secreting pituitary tumour growth hormone producing tumor of the pituitary gland pituitary somatotropinoma Growth hormone-producing pituitary gland tumour growth hormone producing pituitary gland tumor growth hormone producing pituitary tumour growth hormone secreting tumor of pituitary gland growth hormone secreting neoplasm of pituitary growth hormone secreting pituitary gland neoplasm pituitary gland somatotropinoma growth hormone secreting tumor of the pituitary somatotropinoma of the pituitary gland growth hormone secreting tumor of pituitary growth hormone producing tumour of the pituitary growth hormone secreting tumor of the pituitary gland growth hormone producing pituitary neoplasm growth hormone secreting pituitary tumor growth hormone secreting tumour of pituitary gland growth hormone producing tumour of the pituitary gland growth hormone-producing pituitary gland neoplasm somatotroph tumour somatotropinoma growth hormone producing neoplasm of pituitary gland growth hormone secreting neoplasm of the pituitary gland growth hormone producing tumor

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

database cross reference
  • NCIT:C7911 (MONDO:equivalentObsolete)
  • UMLS:C4018860 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
  • MEDGEN:866320 (MONDO:equivalentTo)

gard_rare, matrix_llm__is_cancer_other, harrisons_view_connective_tissue_disorder, matrix_txgnn_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_llm__txgnn_other, mondo_top_grouping_member, harrisons_view_endocrine_system_disorder, matrix_txgnn_grouping_endocrine_system_disorder, harrisons_view_reproductive_system_disorder, mondo_top_grouping_cancer_or_benign_tumor, matrix_txgnn_grouping_member, rare, harrisons_view_musculoskeletal_system_disorder, harrisons_view_nervous_system_disorder, matrix_llm__is_glucose_dysfunction_other, matrix_excluded, otar, matrix_llm__tag_qualy_lost_other, matrix_llm__medical_specialization_other, mondo_top_grouping_endocrine_system_disorder, mondo_top_grouping_musculoskeletal_system_disorder, matrix_llm__tag_existing_treatment_other, matrix_llm__anatomical_other, matrix_llm__is_pathogen_caused_other, mondo_top_grouping_reproductive_system_disorder, harrisons_view_cancer_or_benign_tumor, harrisons_view_member, mondo_top_grouping_nervous_system_disorder, mondo_top_grouping_connective_tissue_disorder

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting pituitary gland tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing tumour of pituitary gland

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing pituitary tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing tumour of pituitary

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting tumour of the pituitary

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting pituitary tumour

UK spelling synonym
somatotroph tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing pituitary gland tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting tumour of pituitary gland

UK spelling synonym
Growth hormone-producing pituitary gland tumour

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting tumour of pituitary

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing tumour of the pituitary

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone producing tumour of the pituitary gland

UK spelling synonym
growth hormone secreting tumour of the pituitary gland




