[X] retinal nerve fiber layer disorder
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A disease that involves the nerve fiber layer of retina. [ MONDO:patterns/location ]
Synonyms: retinal nerve fiber bundle deficiency disease or disorder of nerve fiber layer of retina nerve fiber layer of retina disease disease of nerve fibre layer of retina retinal nerve fibre bundle deficiency nerve fibre layer of retina disease or disorder disorder of nerve fiber layer of retina disorder of nerve fibre layer of retina retinal nerve fiber bundle defects retinal nerve fibre bundle defects nerve fibre layer of retina disease disease of nerve fiber layer of retina disease or disorder of nerve fibre layer of retina nerve fiber layer of retina disease or disorder
Term information
- DOID:5678 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- UMLS:C3665426 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- ICD9:362.85 (DOID:5678)
- SCTID:193428001 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
- MEDGEN:784046 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
matrix_llm__is_cancer_other, mondo_top_grouping_disorder_of_visual_system, matrix_llm__is_glucose_dysfunction_other, matrix_excluded, matrix_llm__tag_qualy_lost_other, matrix_llm__medical_specialization_other, matrix_llm__txgnn_other, mondo_top_grouping_member, harrisons_view_disorder_of_visual_system, harrisons_view_psychiatric_disorder, matrix_llm__tag_existing_treatment_other, mondo_top_grouping_psychiatric_disorder, matrix_llm__anatomical_other, matrix_llm__is_pathogen_caused_other, matrix_txgnn_grouping_member, harrisons_view_member, mondo_top_grouping_nervous_system_disorder, matrix_txgnn_grouping_psychiatric_disorder, mondo_top_grouping_disorder_of_orbital_region, harrisons_view_nervous_system_disorder